The web does not care about deliverables
NOTE: This post is about the Web (not WebXR for a change)

Many people (including corporations) criticize the web as being too messy, therefore it supposedly needs moderation.
I would like to counter this narrative with a the following question:
Why should messy become organised? If so, when would that 'organisation' be complete?
Yes the web is messy, it has a HUGE userbase, it has its heroes, villains, carnivores, vegans etc.
In a sense, it's a very diverse, open and infinite ecosystem, comparable to a forest.
If we organise this forest, would it still be a forest?
Also, could moderation break the whole ecology apart? What about messy-by-design?Ignoring all this, might expose an interesting cognitive dissonance, which I call 'deliverableism':
"Expecting the organized from the messy"
Take these (false imho) narratives:
- "BigTech controls the web because somebody has to protect the people"
"Power to the people, lets save the web from BigTech using IPFS and blockchain!"
Both represent deliverableism, by sharing the following similarities:
it inherits the XY problem, by fixating on a certain NEW solution.
solutions are built using byproducts of the problem (*)
the moderation HAS to happen by the software (not the individual moderating its own behaviour)
in many cases the premise is vague & infinite, like "the internet is broken", "the web is unsafe", "companies cannot be trusted", "protect the children" e.g.
- promoting inclusiveness but at the same time excluding important ecological aspects (banning bigtech, people moderating themselves e.g.)
* = For example: starting a Facebook Ad campaign against Facebook; Developers creating an alternative 'better web' accessible thru the 'broken web'. e.g.
When funds are allocated to the solution, the XY problem gets buried in the solution.
For example, halfway a deliverablist-project, it would be taboo to ask:
Q: "When would it be better to turn this project into researchproject"
Q: "Based on what we learned, how could our problem/solution be false?"
In deliverableism there's a taboo on adressing the XY problem, once the project started.
Calling this corporatism would be a misstake, as governments and companies are free to define morphable deliverables.
Ideas: morphability
Deliverableism is not always bad (food-delivery), it just seems incompatible with complex problems, and enforces deliverable-is-success black/white-thinking.
Therefore, for solving complex problems:
- in project-proposals, promote morphable deliverables
re-evaluate the XY problem in every phase of a project
measure success based on morphability & retrospects during the problem
- realize that the analysis-phase is usually based on imperfect understanding (which improves during the project)